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Adolescent Community (7th-12th)
The Adolescent Community design is an integration of the current research into human development, the trends and issues in education, and the Montessori philosophy. The mission of the program is to provide opportunities for adolescents to be self-motivated, self-confident and gain self-knowledge, belong to a community, learn to be adaptable, be academically competent and challenged, and create a vision for their personal future, thus empowering adolescents.
The adolescent is:
An active, self-directed learner
A vital member of the class, school, city and global community
A vital member of the teacher - student - parent team
Responsible for keeping commitments, being honest, and respectful
The teachers are:
Facilitators for learning
Consultants for the students
Creators of a positive climate for learning
Communicators with parents and community
Role models
The parents are:
Communicators with their student and teachers
Support structure for their student
Directors of a balanced schedule and diet for their student
An advocate for their student, teachers, and school community
The school structure offers:
A learner - centered environment
A developmentally - responsive curriculum and teaching team of Montessori teachers with additional adults as resources
Parents - teachers - student partnerships
Multi - aged groupings of 12-15 & 15-18 year olds
Large blocks of uninterrupted learning time
Peer and cross - age teaching
The curriculum and instruction includes:
Trans - disciplinary themes
Learning how to learn strategies
Personal learning plans
Mastery, coaching and exploratory activities
Long-term cooperative learning projects
A strong sense of community and social interaction with peers
Meaningful and challenging work
Activities for self-expression, self knowledge, and self-assessment
Activities that value all nine intelligences and variety of learning styles
Activities to foster interdependence
Activities for learning economic independence
School and community service projects
Activities that allow work on and with the land