We are excited to launch our MVA Alumni page! After 25 years of Academic Excellence,
we are reconnecting with our former students to see what they're up to.

I was diagnosed as having Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder at a young age. Interacting in traditional education settings was very difficult to navigate as a youth.
Montessori Visions Academy was a perfect solution to such problems. I feel like MVA supported my personal character development, rational problem-solving, and exploratory ability.
I was enrolled at Montessori Visions Academy from kindergarten through 8th grade. At the time, 8th grade was the highest level of education. I still feel I would have stayed enrolled with Montessori if they provided a high school curriculum like they do now.
Montessori provided me a strong foundation in my English and Science skills.
In my high school and college career, I never wrote a research paper or passed an English
class with less than a 90% grade. The modular approach to education helped me to excel further in my proficient areas, while allowing me to work on my areas of concern in more detail. I graduated 2022 from UNLV with a Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration.
I am currently a self-employed notary public and loan signing agent representing the state of
Nevada. I attribute my exceptional attention to detail, personalized customer service skills, and the ability to strive for well more than minimum effort, all to my experience at Montessori Visions Academy.

Once I left Montessori Visions Academy, I was thrown into the public school system, and I do mean thrown. The classes were singularly focused and had very little space for ideas to flourish naturally. I was loud, obnoxious, and out of control. I was very much a “problem child” in this new system. At Montessori my traits weren't looked at through a negative lens, but instead were seen as productive. My energetic movements (when not destructive) were helpful to my learning, and my obnoxious talking was actually a productive tool for growth when I received the one-on-one support that Montessori was so amazing at providing. My primary school education set me up for success. It instilled an idea in me that everyone is different and works at their own level. I used this knowledge to grow past the challenges of public school, and I flourished. After leaving Montessori in 4th grade, I learned how to play an instrument and was accepted into the prestigious Las Vegas Academy of the Performing Arts. Later, I graduated with the highest diploma my school offered, and then received a plethora of scholarships to universities all around the country. This this fall semester I will be traveling abroad to France, and I will be attending Oxford University while in Europe. I strongly believe that without the foundation Montessori provided and the loving support my family gave me though it all, my life would look very different now.
Luna Harbour attended Montessori Visions Academy from 2002-2010. Luna is a healer and an educator whose philosophy stems from a holistic practice and lifestyle. She is currently studying nursing at the Bemidji State University in Bemidji, Minnesota, her first step in a lifelong journey of healing. Luna is grateful she was a part of the Montessori Visions Academy community!

Angela Giuliano attended Montessori Visions Academy for only one year as a preschool student. She feels her educational experience in Montessori, although brief, dramatically affected her learning style and helped shape her into the artist she is today. Angela will be graduating from Edinboro University of Pennsylvania in December of 2019 with a degree in Fine Arts with a concentration on painting and drawing. She is a member of Alpha Sigma Alpha and is currently serving on the Panhellenic Executive Board as vice-president of recruitment.
After graduating, she plans to study abroad before settling down with a career and home, hopefully somewhere warm.
Sarah McGregor was enrolled Montessori Visions Academy from the age of 3 years old through 3rd grade. Since leaving, she has excelled in school - graduating high school in only 2 years! Sarah graduated at the age of 16 with a 3.8 GPA. Today, she is 18 and a college senior, working towards her BS with a major in biology and a minor in chemistry. Sarah is an aspiring physician and hoping to be a general practitioner with a doctorate in Chinese medicine.

Montessori Visions Academy helped Chloe realize that it’s okay to go at her own pace and have her own path. Chloe will forever cherish the friendships and memories she made while at Montessori.
MVA Alumni, if you would like to be featured, please e-mail us at!